Thursday 26 June 2014

Warriors summary on A giraffe's been in my garden.

How do Animals grow plants?
Firstly the giraffe and zebra leave manure the people at the zoo put the manure in trucks.

Then,the trucks full of manure go to the compost yard and they put the manure over the black plastic.

They shoveled the manure together then they put the manure into the yellow bags of other manure.

By Harvey

How do animals grow plants?

 Firstly,The giraffes and zebras leave manure.The people at the zoo put manure into the trucks.

Then the trucks are full of manure goes to the compost yard and they give it to the lady and she gets the men to shovel it together and they put the black plastic over the manure.

They put the manure together. Then they put the manure in the other bags with others.

By Sammi

How do animals make plants grow?
Firstly, you need plants and soil, but not just any soil,If you do not know what soil is, just tell someone you know,like your mum or dad.

You can buy some from the garden shop's.When you buy a plant you must know how deep the hole must be for the plant to grow.Make sure you have soil in your garden.If you do not have soil buy some from the garden shop.

The compost of soil that has  photos of  the plant and there's also a picture of a giraffe.
The giraffe compost  has soil .That soil is made by giraffes.
Firstly,they get the manure from  the giraffes .Then they put it in the truck.Then they take it to a compost yard..Then they put a plastic black bag on top of it to cover the manure.Then the sun kills the weeds and the germs.Then it turns into dry soil (manure is pooh.)

By Eliahu

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